Friday, July 27, 2012

Reminder of our blessings

I hopped online to write a post about some neat Idaho facts and trivia that I came across but then saw a post that removed that "fun facts" mood I was in. 

The post was a link to a site with an update about a family that is going through their own series of challenges and tragedies right now.  You can read for yourself and help with prayers or financial support if you feel called to do so.

The other day I also saw another post about a family that lost a child during pregnancy. 

And then I am reminded about a friend that started labor a couple weeks early but it was stopped so they baby's lungs could develop more - she was then full term and began labor again.  She was told to wait and come in when contractions were closer.  She then had to give birth to her still born son whose cord had apparently wrapped around his neck during the process. 

Anyone that has had a child would be touched by these events - and anyone that is pregnant feels the horrifying loss of these events.  Once you pass 26 weeks you feel a little more secure, like - "Hey, if something happens now the odds of survival for the baby are that much higher!"  Of course, we never know what will happen.  All most of us hope for is a healthy baby.  That doesn't always happen. 

I feel every life is a blessing.  Every life is not perfect - but sometimes those imperfections are what help us appreciate the true beauty of life.  We are blessed with each and every day we have.  Without sadness we can't appreciate true joy.  It hurts to see others hurt and we all wish we could prevent that.  Sometimes the best we can do is offer support or keep them in our prayers.

Seeing posts like that help remind us that each day we have with our family, or even each day we wake up, is really a blessing.  Every life is worth living, no matter how much pain or sorrow it may have.  We touch others in ways we never know. 

All that being said - Chris' Father is having some medical issues right now.  Please pray for Dr. Kolobow and his family.  Pray for strength, guidance, faith, peace - just pray. 

Life is fragile - yet can be so strong.  Let's appreciate every day of it.

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