Saturday, June 2, 2012

Family Hike Night

I've decided we are going to start a weekly Family Hike Night!  It gets us out of the house, doing something together and checking out our surroundings.  We checked out the section of the Oregon Trail that is further from our house. 

Thumbs up - let's do it!

Fun view, you can see the moon.

Mika enjoyed the hike too.

Little Lady loves her perch! 

Group photo!

A neat moss that grows on the sagebrush.

My questioning Chris' "fine for pregnancy" assessment of the hike.  There were two really decent hills.  Ended up being fine and really happy we did it.  I was a bit sore the next am, but feeling good by afternoon.

We all enjoyed the hike and getting to see more of the area.  Chris and I were pooped afterwards, but of course Little Lady was full of energy and ready to play!  At least Mika joined us in our desire for rest! 

Planning out more pregnancy friendly family hikes for the upcoming weeks!


  1. You'll certainly be in shape for labor and delivery!

  2. the trail looks amazingly beautiful, as do you with that growing babe in there!!
