Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Boise Baby

Bambino is growing.  Our Boise baby will be here before we know it.  I'll totally admit, with everything that has gone on so far in 2012 and with Little Lady to care for (as well as a toddler dog that is sometimes more work than our human child), it is hard to really devote much attention to our little man.  He is on my mind all day - as he affects my daily mood and ability to manipulate my body - but he doesn't get nearly as much daily focus and thought as Little Lady did during my first pregnancy.  During the first one I did reading, constant pictures of belly growth, research, resting.......not so much this time around, although I have been known to sneak in an occasional nap.

This was me 22 weeks pregnant with Little Lady.  One of SEVERAL belly pictures taken over the course of those 10 months.

This was me 22 weeks with our Boise baby.  Ummmmm, this is maybe the second belly pic taken?

I'll be honest - I think my belly is bigger this go 'round.  Feels lower too.  Of course, everything inside there has probably been stretched to kingdom come from the first time, so it gave up any efforts to hold baby in and up a long time ago.  I don't have the swelling so far that I did the first time - but preeclampsia will do that to you!  I am seeing a CNM (midwife) here and she will do the delivery at a hospital.  I'm excited about that - I've always liked the personal feel but, as many of you know, they can't deliver in the hospitals in Maryland.  I've thought about the birthing center route and stuff, but given our little families profession in the medical field and the issues that arose with my first pregnancy, we would all feel more comfortable in a hospital setting.  I looked at the stats for the birthing center here and of course the transfers to the hospital included anyone with preeclampsia.  The CNM I am seeing can handle all aspects of the delivery, although if it had to go to a c-section an OBGYN would handle that - although she would still assist.  As several of you know, I found out I had placenta previa the day before we packed up the truck to come here - which put a damper on the whole process - but the last sonogram they did showed it had moved.  I've still had some issues since then that I'll have to ask the CNM about this week - but it is always tied to when I am really active.  Taking it easy is easier said than done when you've got an entire house to unpack and organize, a two year old to chase after and you don't really know anyone yet.  This week I am certainly getting that really tired sensation again sometimes and I think my internal thermostat seems to have jumped at least ten degrees!  That'll be fun over the summer.....

Anyways, still lots to do around here - need to get the nursery set up, which means we need to switch little lady to a twin bed so we can convert her bed back to a crib, which means we need to get a twin mattress, and need to get her geared up for little man coming, and hoping to get her potty trained before he arrives - started a hard press on that last week - that is a whole other post in and of itself...........I'm getting tired again. 

Interesting note: my CNM informed me that they are thinking now that preeclampsia may be an autoimmune type thing.  Instances of having it again are much lower, almost nonexistent, when the pregnancy is by the same father as the first.  She recounted a delivery she did in the dessert when she was in the Air Force where the woman was having her fifth child.  She had preeclampsia each pregnancy, with it getting worse each time.  They were concerned because of limited facilities.  She didn't end up having any issues - her fifth child had the same father as her fourth - all the others had different fathers.  So, I most likely will not have an issue with preeclampsia this time - very comforting, to me and my ankles.

So - any bets on the size of bambino? Little lady was 10lbs, 5oz - I was not diagnosed with gestational diabetes and was induced one week early because of the preeclampsia, and no c-section.   Remember, this is a Boise baby and it seems as though I'm built to make big babies!  Whoever guesses the closest will win a handmade gift from me!