Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting Organized - cork board calendar

There is so much to do and so much more I want to get done.  Ever have that feeling?  Trying to figure out how to keep it all organized, do the regular every day things that NEED to be done, remembering to account for the scheduled obligations and then fitting in those things you WANT to do can be tough.  I'll end up with numerous to-do lists which get lost in the shuffle and then I'll end up setting a reminder for myself to make a to-do list.....telling myself to do a to-do.  Well, we had a big cork board leftover from doing home day care that Chris hung on a leftover nail on the wall and it is in the perfect spot for him to see it when going to/coming from work and I will see it numerous times through out the day.  I figured I would get a bit crafty and make a cork board calendar to help us stay organized and all on the same page.....and I don't have to remind anyone of what we have going on.....he, I mean they, can take a look and see.

I started out doing some measurements.  Total width divided by seven, so each day would have a column.  Printed up paper with a large letter for each day and then cut them to the appropriate width for each column.  Stapled down headers for each column first and then glued the lettered papers down on those. 

I then dug through stuff I had and found ribbons.  I originally had plans to go get a nice shade of green or something but then reminded myself that I didn't want to spend money on this and I could find odds and ends to do it with at home.  So, I then glued the ribbon down to form the columns.

I then put a contrasting ribbon across the bottom to leave a section for tacks, and an envelope to hold the tabs with things that need to be done.

Ready to be filled up!

I've also got a little system for the pins.  Red is for to-do items, like cutting the grass or grocery shopping - things that need to get done.  Blue is for appointments, things that can't get rescheduled or we are obliged to do.  Green is for the stuff we WANT to do, but that isn't a necessity.  You've got to be flexible, so this helps us prioritize things and let us know what can be shifted around if need be.  I also don't like seeing empty space, so I figure this helps me be more productive and will kind of challenge me to keep things up there.  I also put a small envelope under the red ribbon that holds the little paper tabs to write tasks/events and one to hold tabs that will be reused.  Just figured I would share this little project, maybe it will help others.  I would also love to put the task of "Pick up (**your name here**) from the airport for their visit"!!!!

Another reason it is important to be organized? 

This is the weather forecast for the week.  Yup, from 90 today to 55 and rainy tomorrow.  Had to get all the outside stuff done today!  Gotta love the Boise weather!


  1. Excellent Idea, Colleen! Your organizational skills are amazing.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't hate. You're just upset because you don't have an awesome cork board calendar. Don't worry though - I'll still help you make one someday, when you come around to the organized, hyper planning side.
