Thursday, May 17, 2012

Some differences.....

We have noticed quite a few differences between Maryland and Idaho. Obviously, some of them we were expecting - and hoping for - but some were a bit of a surprise.

Just want to share some of them with you.

  • People are taller here. Seriously. I'm 5'10" and stood much taller than most women in Maryland. Not so here. Not even close. Need proof? They sell size 11 tennis shoes for women at Costco. You could NEVER find a size 11 at Costco in Maryland. I've done some looking around to see if there have been any studies on the average height of Idahoans being greater than the national average but have yet to find anything. Odd considering I'm pretty sure I recently heard of a study being done to study federal studies. I mean - if you're going to spend money on that, wouldn't you want to know why people in Idaho seem to be taller first? Maybe it's just me....
THIS is a KID's size breakfast.  Eggs, sausage and pancakes.  For $3.99. 

  • Lotion is an ESSENTIAL part of life here. I have been blessed with a more "Mediterranean" complexion that typically produces enough oil to moisturize itself quite nicely, sometimes enough to even cook a meal - at least it did in Maryland. We all now have to apply lotion all over every time we bathe. One bonus - my hair can go longer without washings. With all there is to do here and another bundle on the way - I am more than happy to be able to space that out without it being obvious! My little peaches and cream, sensitive skin little lady has not done as well with the dryness. She has had some issues, but intense moisture cetaphil seems to be helping.  Sunscreen is also an essential item to have on you at all times.  The sky here is amazing - huge, cloudless, endless.  However, it gives you a pretty intense exposure too.  After an hour and a half at the reservoir and several applications to Ms. Peaches and Cream it became clear we had to upgrade from a 50 spf to a 70 spf that is longer lasting and can be applied to wet skin.

Eczema is apparently a VERY common issue here. :-(


  • One thing that is different here - but you don't notice it at all - is that everyone has guns.  You'll think about it for a minute when you're entering a hospital and they have a sign posted that it is a gun free zone and to please leave it in your car - but other than that it isn't obvious at all.  You realize that a large number of the people around you are carrying, but you wouldn't know it.  I honestly feel safer because of it and let's just say robbery rates are a COMPLETELY different beast here than in Maryland.  Chris very happily received his approval for a concealed carry permit this week.  He is now officially an Idahoan - drivers license and cc permit.  Safety classes and education will be an essential part of little lady's upbringing.

And THIS is how a reelection campaign is apparently run in Idaho!  Count the number of guns this lady is sporting!

  • Brand names are different here.  I went to buy some mayo and picked up the old familiar brand but noticed the name on it was different.  It was the Hellman's logo - but it said "Best Foods."  I was discussing this with an Aunt of mine and she suggested that maybe they decided people here wouldn't buy something with the word "Hell" in the title.  I thought that sounded fun and was going to go with that, but she later emailed me a link with the actual reason.
Bring out the Best Foods, and bring out the Best.  Seems a little repetitive.

  • Last, but not least, for now - people have more kids here.  We were noticing most families seemed to be carting around at least three kids.  It intrigued me so I looked it up and it looks like Idaho ranks second, behind Utah, for most kids per family, with over two being the average.  Could be one of the reasons it seems like such a great place to raise kids - there are so many!  Seems to have something to do with the high Mormon population.
Our growing family.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post. I had no idea that the same product had different names on the opposite coast! Love the last pic of your little baby boy. Such clear features! He looks just like Chris from the side. *chuckle*
