Thursday, May 17, 2012

Early Explorations

We've done a bit of exploring since we've gotten here.  Chris had done quite a bit on his own during his trips the month before and was eager to share his findings with us.

One of our first stops was Lowes to buy a washer and dryer - so pay no mind to the pj shirt Colette is wearing in the pictures below.  I can also honestly say I've never been as excited to do laundry as when they got delivered.

When we were leaving Lowes, Chris somehow spotted - *gasp* - Cabella's!  What were the of course he had to show us around.  I've got to say, Cabella's has that place set up to encourage a family to stay there as looooooooong as possible.  Between the fish tanks, mountain with animals in the middle and the heads mounted in the entire store, a kid can run around there for hours.....and that means a parent can run after them for hours as well.  That then means the other parent can shop for hours.  A man's paradise.  It would have been perfect if it had a food court of some sort.......or maybe that is the pregnancy talking.  Either way, little lady loved it and was very excited to see all the animals and we have visited several times since.  We also picked up a nice bright vest for Mika and a flashing led collar - to help protect her from being mistaken as a wolf if we are wandering about. 

She was very excited about the turkeys.  I don't think she realized they were decoys.  She kept petting them and whispering "Hi turkey" and trying to give them kisses.  She did seem a bit confused when one of their heads fell off.

After dropping off our finds at the house, Chris wanted to show us Lucky Peak reservoir, which is nearby.  As we approached we noticed some sign about a "rooster tail" and there were traffic cones and people from the Army Corps of Engineers keeping traffic moving along or directing it into parking lots.  What was going on?  What the heck was a rooster tail?

"Whoa!!!"  THAT is a rooster tail.  There has been lots of rain here lately and they had to release some - okay, maybe a lot of- water into the river, thus resulting in what is called the "rooster tail."

It is hard to get an idea of the true scale of this thing - but it was HUGE.  Apparently it is only an occassional thing so it is attracts lots of people when they do it. 

I just think this picture is so cute.

We are fortunate to be living pretty close to the Oregon Trail - yes, that one - and can enjoy walks along it very quickly and easily.  Mika loves it - and all the smells that it has.
The view.

Little lady prefers to walk - no stroller for her.

Of course she also likes to sit and look at rocks.

 Lots of our exploring has also consisted of driving around, enjoying the scenery and my getting snappy with Chris on all of the unpaved roads.  Hey - I'm pregnant and had placenta previa - I had a right to be antsy!  Here are some of the views near us.

Lots to see - lots of different landscapes - lots to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. "She did seem a bit confused when one of their heads fell off." Total lol. The scenery is amazing. I love the fact that the pictures are not crammed full of other people enjoying the sights. We've done some of the mountain hiking around here but there are always a lot of people around and that detracts from the whole "wilderness" feel that I see in your surroundings.
