Monday, July 23, 2012

Boise Baby update

We're entering the final stretch!  Eeek!  It seems to have snuck up on us - or maybe just me.  There has been so much going on this pregnancy - some serious life stresses and some awesome changes.  We are at a point now we are really feeling adjusted, just in time for Little Man to make his entrance soon enough!  I'm at the point now that I remember once you have hit the 30 week mark you really start feeling it - all of it.  The inability to sleep, the feeling of a waddle sneaking up every now and then, and the new summer pregnancy sensation of just wanting to go to the pool and sit in cool water.  All this 100 degree weather with pregnancy is just not really enjoyable.  You really don't want to do anything.  Today the high is only supposed to be in the high 80's - the first time in WEEKS it has been less than 90-something - and it feels soooooooooooooooooooo nice.  Even had Little Lady go out and ride her "bike" around the neighborhood in the middle of the day it was so nice - of course I did stop and stand in the sprinklers that were running in someone's yard.  It must have looked odd to anyone driving by - I'm standing in them with a big smile on my face and the kid and dog are running away from them!

Here is the latest:

Had the glucose test done (diabetes) - did great, not even close.

Iron levels are looking great.

Placenta is still low - about 2 cm from cervix.  I doesn't sound like they will do another sonogram to monitor it - but they'll probably want an IV hook up thingy ready in case there is heavy bleeding during delivery.  My CNM says that by the time the cervix is dilated enough to have reached the placenta the head is usually down enough to be compressing it, so it doesn't tend to be an issue - but they want the option of being able to hook you up to stuff quickly in case it does become an issue.

At the last sonogram he was measuring two weeks ahead in size - but sonograms are a plus/minus a couple weeks kind of measurement anyways.  Heck - with Little Lady they were estimating her at just over 8 lbs......

I have apparently provided Little Man with a very generous swimming pool.  Since my glucose test was great it just looks like I like to give them lots of fluid to swim around in.  My number is 28, which is the top for normal.  The CNM said some people just get that way - and she told little lady I just make nice pools for them - and then Little Lady got very excited and started to tell her how she swims like a doggy and started barking - so stinking cute!   So I am hoping this time around that I loose 20+ lbs in the hospital again!  Fingers crossed!  I don't really have any swelling yet - even with all the heat, so maybe all the water is just in my belly rather than all over, like it was last time!  I do remember the doctor suddenly asking for things to be moved further away and taken off the ground while delivering little lady because she realized there was a bit of an ocean behind her that was going to come out once she did - and I remember the sensation of a release of pressure when it did come out!

As a refresher, here was 22 weeks.

Here was a 26 week shot with Little Man.

Here is a 29 week shot.  I should probably get a current one in the same place the other one's were taken for better comparison purposes.  I'll put that on my to-do list. :-P


Here is a 30 week picture with Baby Boy.

This was 30 weeks preggers with Little Lady.  Can you say swelling?

I've been working on getting together baby stuff that we got rid of before our move.  I must say I love yard sales and second hand stores.  Give it a good cleaning and it's good as new.  Recycling at it's best.  Also went through all the old baby clothes and picked out the gender neutral stuff.  We are totally set for clothes now for the first several months.  I'm holding off on warmer weather stuff because I honestly have no idea how big he will be.  Little Lady went straight into 3 month stuff so there was so much she never even got to wear.

She is excited to help and try out Baby Brother's things....

Finally - here's the good stuff!  Some pics from the last sonogram, which was at 28 weeks.

Profile view.

His little face!

His chin, lips and tip of his nose!

His foot!

We have also chosen a name.  We are continuing the CMK theme and it will be uncommon, like Little Lady's.  His middle name wll be Michael (Chris' middle name).  Aaaaaaaaand you'll have to wait to find out.  Basically you'll get to see a lovely pic of the awesome Little Man and find out his name and love all of him - name included.

We'll keep you posted as things go along.  So far, so good!  I've got to work on looking into my "birth plan" - they have an official form you fill out here - and we need to do a tour of the hospital and I need to look into preregistering.  I feel behind on my homework!  Lots more options here than in Maryland.  Maybe it is just that you don't realize you have an option there - but they make it clear here that it is up to us.  I can even bring my own outfit to deliver in!  Not sure what I would wear for that.....kind of like the idea of something I don't have to wash afterwards.  The plan is to go drug free this time - of course I recognize that stuff happens and for all I know I could end up needing a c-section.  I'm pretty flexible.  We've also made our decision on circumcision - we will do it.  I had originally been against it - just didn't see a need, but after doing some research I agree with Chris and think we should.  There are truely several medical reasons to have it done.  The serious issues that can arise when he is older can require pretty immediate attention and, hey - what if he is living a life style where that medical care isn't there when he needs it?  Chris has seen several of those issues firsthand while working in the operating room and that is what shaped his view.  Those issues can be extremely painful and even life threatening.  Getting circumcised later in life can also lead to certain increased health risks - so it is one of those things that, if it is going to be done, it is ideal to have it done in infancy. The one thing we will do differently is wait 'till about a week after birth.  I discussed with my midwife and she had great reasons for that suggestion.  After a week they are in the weight gain phase again - versus loosing weight when they are first born - nursing has been established so it shouldn't interfere with that - and their clotting factors have improved.  My midwife also said that if she was ever to have a son, she would do it as well.  She served in the Air Force for a while and saw many of the same issues Chris has seen.  Imagine being in the desert or such and suddenly having an issue with paraphimosis.  Ugh.  And remember - we all make our own choices on these things and try to do what we feel is best for our own family and child - which might be different for each family. 

The one thing that has been popping up in my mind lately is that I won't have a little "baby shower" get together with my girl friends.  We would do little gatherings for the second (or more) kid and just kind of celebrate - not for presents or anything.  We would celebrate and recognize the new little blessing!  I am kind of sad to miss out on that. 

I miss you ladies!

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