Friday, July 27, 2012

Reminder of our blessings

I hopped online to write a post about some neat Idaho facts and trivia that I came across but then saw a post that removed that "fun facts" mood I was in. 

The post was a link to a site with an update about a family that is going through their own series of challenges and tragedies right now.  You can read for yourself and help with prayers or financial support if you feel called to do so.

The other day I also saw another post about a family that lost a child during pregnancy. 

And then I am reminded about a friend that started labor a couple weeks early but it was stopped so they baby's lungs could develop more - she was then full term and began labor again.  She was told to wait and come in when contractions were closer.  She then had to give birth to her still born son whose cord had apparently wrapped around his neck during the process. 

Anyone that has had a child would be touched by these events - and anyone that is pregnant feels the horrifying loss of these events.  Once you pass 26 weeks you feel a little more secure, like - "Hey, if something happens now the odds of survival for the baby are that much higher!"  Of course, we never know what will happen.  All most of us hope for is a healthy baby.  That doesn't always happen. 

I feel every life is a blessing.  Every life is not perfect - but sometimes those imperfections are what help us appreciate the true beauty of life.  We are blessed with each and every day we have.  Without sadness we can't appreciate true joy.  It hurts to see others hurt and we all wish we could prevent that.  Sometimes the best we can do is offer support or keep them in our prayers.

Seeing posts like that help remind us that each day we have with our family, or even each day we wake up, is really a blessing.  Every life is worth living, no matter how much pain or sorrow it may have.  We touch others in ways we never know. 

All that being said - Chris' Father is having some medical issues right now.  Please pray for Dr. Kolobow and his family.  Pray for strength, guidance, faith, peace - just pray. 

Life is fragile - yet can be so strong.  Let's appreciate every day of it.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Boise Baby update

We're entering the final stretch!  Eeek!  It seems to have snuck up on us - or maybe just me.  There has been so much going on this pregnancy - some serious life stresses and some awesome changes.  We are at a point now we are really feeling adjusted, just in time for Little Man to make his entrance soon enough!  I'm at the point now that I remember once you have hit the 30 week mark you really start feeling it - all of it.  The inability to sleep, the feeling of a waddle sneaking up every now and then, and the new summer pregnancy sensation of just wanting to go to the pool and sit in cool water.  All this 100 degree weather with pregnancy is just not really enjoyable.  You really don't want to do anything.  Today the high is only supposed to be in the high 80's - the first time in WEEKS it has been less than 90-something - and it feels soooooooooooooooooooo nice.  Even had Little Lady go out and ride her "bike" around the neighborhood in the middle of the day it was so nice - of course I did stop and stand in the sprinklers that were running in someone's yard.  It must have looked odd to anyone driving by - I'm standing in them with a big smile on my face and the kid and dog are running away from them!

Here is the latest:

Had the glucose test done (diabetes) - did great, not even close.

Iron levels are looking great.

Placenta is still low - about 2 cm from cervix.  I doesn't sound like they will do another sonogram to monitor it - but they'll probably want an IV hook up thingy ready in case there is heavy bleeding during delivery.  My CNM says that by the time the cervix is dilated enough to have reached the placenta the head is usually down enough to be compressing it, so it doesn't tend to be an issue - but they want the option of being able to hook you up to stuff quickly in case it does become an issue.

At the last sonogram he was measuring two weeks ahead in size - but sonograms are a plus/minus a couple weeks kind of measurement anyways.  Heck - with Little Lady they were estimating her at just over 8 lbs......

I have apparently provided Little Man with a very generous swimming pool.  Since my glucose test was great it just looks like I like to give them lots of fluid to swim around in.  My number is 28, which is the top for normal.  The CNM said some people just get that way - and she told little lady I just make nice pools for them - and then Little Lady got very excited and started to tell her how she swims like a doggy and started barking - so stinking cute!   So I am hoping this time around that I loose 20+ lbs in the hospital again!  Fingers crossed!  I don't really have any swelling yet - even with all the heat, so maybe all the water is just in my belly rather than all over, like it was last time!  I do remember the doctor suddenly asking for things to be moved further away and taken off the ground while delivering little lady because she realized there was a bit of an ocean behind her that was going to come out once she did - and I remember the sensation of a release of pressure when it did come out!

As a refresher, here was 22 weeks.

Here was a 26 week shot with Little Man.

Here is a 29 week shot.  I should probably get a current one in the same place the other one's were taken for better comparison purposes.  I'll put that on my to-do list. :-P


Here is a 30 week picture with Baby Boy.

This was 30 weeks preggers with Little Lady.  Can you say swelling?

I've been working on getting together baby stuff that we got rid of before our move.  I must say I love yard sales and second hand stores.  Give it a good cleaning and it's good as new.  Recycling at it's best.  Also went through all the old baby clothes and picked out the gender neutral stuff.  We are totally set for clothes now for the first several months.  I'm holding off on warmer weather stuff because I honestly have no idea how big he will be.  Little Lady went straight into 3 month stuff so there was so much she never even got to wear.

She is excited to help and try out Baby Brother's things....

Finally - here's the good stuff!  Some pics from the last sonogram, which was at 28 weeks.

Profile view.

His little face!

His chin, lips and tip of his nose!

His foot!

We have also chosen a name.  We are continuing the CMK theme and it will be uncommon, like Little Lady's.  His middle name wll be Michael (Chris' middle name).  Aaaaaaaaand you'll have to wait to find out.  Basically you'll get to see a lovely pic of the awesome Little Man and find out his name and love all of him - name included.

We'll keep you posted as things go along.  So far, so good!  I've got to work on looking into my "birth plan" - they have an official form you fill out here - and we need to do a tour of the hospital and I need to look into preregistering.  I feel behind on my homework!  Lots more options here than in Maryland.  Maybe it is just that you don't realize you have an option there - but they make it clear here that it is up to us.  I can even bring my own outfit to deliver in!  Not sure what I would wear for that.....kind of like the idea of something I don't have to wash afterwards.  The plan is to go drug free this time - of course I recognize that stuff happens and for all I know I could end up needing a c-section.  I'm pretty flexible.  We've also made our decision on circumcision - we will do it.  I had originally been against it - just didn't see a need, but after doing some research I agree with Chris and think we should.  There are truely several medical reasons to have it done.  The serious issues that can arise when he is older can require pretty immediate attention and, hey - what if he is living a life style where that medical care isn't there when he needs it?  Chris has seen several of those issues firsthand while working in the operating room and that is what shaped his view.  Those issues can be extremely painful and even life threatening.  Getting circumcised later in life can also lead to certain increased health risks - so it is one of those things that, if it is going to be done, it is ideal to have it done in infancy. The one thing we will do differently is wait 'till about a week after birth.  I discussed with my midwife and she had great reasons for that suggestion.  After a week they are in the weight gain phase again - versus loosing weight when they are first born - nursing has been established so it shouldn't interfere with that - and their clotting factors have improved.  My midwife also said that if she was ever to have a son, she would do it as well.  She served in the Air Force for a while and saw many of the same issues Chris has seen.  Imagine being in the desert or such and suddenly having an issue with paraphimosis.  Ugh.  And remember - we all make our own choices on these things and try to do what we feel is best for our own family and child - which might be different for each family. 

The one thing that has been popping up in my mind lately is that I won't have a little "baby shower" get together with my girl friends.  We would do little gatherings for the second (or more) kid and just kind of celebrate - not for presents or anything.  We would celebrate and recognize the new little blessing!  I am kind of sad to miss out on that. 

I miss you ladies!

Woohoo!!!! Accepted!

My husband is awesome.  He is following a dream and he has worked very hard in the pursuit of it.  When we first met he was a college student finishing up his degree in art.  Since then, he has gotten a BA in Art, worked in the design field, decided he was unfulfilled, went back to school and obtained an Associates in Nursing, went into the work force, realized he wanted more control and input in patient care, obtained his Bachelors in Nursing - while working full time, and he has now started the next step in his dream of opening an inter mountain primary care clinic.....he has officially accepted a position in a Family Nurse Practitioner program, starting in August.

He was accepted into Maryland's Masters program, but that happened after we decided to move cross country - so that wasn't going to work.  So, where is he going? 

Photo courtesy of

Chris has been accepted into the Nurse Practitioner program at Georgetown!  He officially accepted and paid the deposit last night, so it is happening!  It is an online program, so he can do it from Boise, he will just have to travel out at the end of each session for testing.  We figured that would be a nice way to tie in visits to family and friends.  Apparently it is done in seven sessions, each session being twelve weeks, so he will be traveling out a bit more often than I originally realized.  It's going to be a tough next two years for all of us - but we'll work together and get through it!  I did get a little emotional realizing I'll have two little ones (one extremely little) by myself for several days each time he has to travel out, but hey - you do what you've got to do!  I'll have to get working harder on finding child care that I trust to come help out every now and then to help maintain order in the house and my sanity.  And of course - any of you are welcome to come out and visit to see our adorable children and lend a hand!  I'll feed and house you and the Little Lady will be more than happy to entertain you!!!

I also must say Chris was VERY impressed with the application process at Georgetown and the assistance he received. He had an "advisor" that was assigned to him during the whole process that told him everything they needed and then came up with a "game plan" for getting it all done. She checked in regularly with him and gave him feedback on each item as it was submitted. He was lucky if he could get a call back from Maryland after several messages on various machines - and even when they sent their acceptance letter they got some of his information wrong - and he already had a degree from them.....

So, the plan is that in twenty four months Chris will be an FNP.  We were really crossing our fingers that he would get into this program and are so excited that he did.  The online aspect is great, the location of the school being where our family and friends are is perfect, and it is the traditional FNP program, which is being phased out.  The new health care legislation has made it so that anyone starting a program in 2014 or later will need to obtain a DOCTORATE instead of just a masters.  Yup, that is right - the demand for NP's will be much greater, but the education requirements will be increased, requiring more school and money - but not really any more pay.  During Chris' search for a program he found that many schools are already switching over to the new outline - no more masters programs for NP's, just doctorate programs.  His application advisor at Georgetown said they were waiting to see the legal status of the legislation before they made any kind of switch - but we all know how that stands now.  Chris will now also have a broader knowledge base for the more daily health issues we all face, which is something he has really wanted for a while.  

We've excited, we're nervous and we know it is going to be lots of work for the next two years - but the payoff will be worth it!  Maybe a family trip to Hawaii to celebrate when he is done......wanna join? ;-)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fourth of July

Chris was on call on the 4th of July, so we stuck around town.  I had seen mention of a parade, so we headed Downtown to check it out!  It was a hot, sunny, boiling day.

I didn't even notice Little Lady's expression 'till I was looking through the pictures later.  She is hilarious.  She is trying to do a double thumbs up.

The mayor of Boise, David H. Bieter.

Saying thanks to some Vets.

An assortment of old jeeps.  Little Lady LOVES Jeeps!  Her Papa is raising her right.

The parade had a Bill of Rights focus, with banners throughout.

Lots of neat, old cars with equally neat horns!

Scooter gang?

More Banners.

Happy Fourth of July!  Let's celebrate by handing out free wristbands made in Taiwan!

After the parade we grabbed brunch at Moon's Cafe Downtown.  Chris went there while he was out here doing interviews before the move and we've been several times since the move.  A nice, young, eclectic atmosphere with friendly service and decent enough food.

We then headed home and I cut the grass while Chris finished up his application to Georgetown.  The next door neighbor invited us to view fireworks they were setting off later and I invited them over to come play in the backyard with Little Lady and a new slip and slide type thing I got her.  The youngest (also 2) came over and they got some kiddo play time in.  After they left I threw my suit on and played in the sprinkler/slide with Little Lady and just had fun!  Really need to do that more often - hopefully my body will cooperate better next summer ;-)  We weren't sure if Little Lady would make it for fireworks (they didn't start 'till after 10pm since the sun sets so late) so I found the DC fireworks program on tv and let her watch that.  "America" has been one of her new fave words and she was very excited to hear it over and over.  She actually really loved all the singing and kept asking to see it again for several days.  She was still awake come 10pm (surprise, surprise with this little energizer bunny) so we went over to the trail to see if we could see anything from there.  We had originally planned on maybe hiking up by Table Rock a bit to watch, but decided she is just too young for us to try that so late at night.


Looking towards Downtown from the Oregon Trail - about 10:15 at night.

There they are!  We were able to see some of the firework displays.  People in the valley were also setting off some impressive home displays - launching up some serious stuff, so we got to see those too.  Plenty for us all to enjoy!

Raccoon sighting on the way back home!  They still creep me out - their hands are way too human like.....

We headed back and watched the neighbors display.  I sat a bit further back than everyone else.....

Someone else was also launching big stuff.

Pretty nice display!

Kids and fireworks - my favorite combination! 

So, we had a nice, laid back, enjoyable day!  I don't think we all got tucked in 'till just after midnight.  Chris had to work the next day, so he was a bit tired, and Little Lady slept in a bit, although it still took her a couple days to really catch up.  Certainly different, not going to see the official display, but it really worked out - we didn't need to with everything around us!  The holiday is a bit more mellow once you've got little ones!

I've got videos and more pictures of the day - but to be honest, I don't feel like tracking down the camera and loading from different phones.  I'm behind enough on posts as it is.  Maybe, someday, when I'm overflowing with free time, I'll post all those types of things that don't make it into these posts.  Yeah......I'm sure that is exactly what I will want to do with my free time......


Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Boise kind of Saturday

So what is there to do on a Saturday in Boise?  Well - what isn't there to do?!?  Here is a sampling of some of our Saturday activities:

Farmer's Market

Every Saturday there is a Farmer's Market in Downtown Boise.  It is officially called the Capital City Public Market.  Great place to pick up an assortment of things from  meat, to produce, to crafts, to baked goods.

A couple streets are shut down for it.  LOTS of people.

Lots of free range, organic, grass fed meat out here.  Good stuff. 

Grass fed Bison.  My new fave meat.  Have learned though that not all Bison is created equal - got some from Costco and it was not nearly as good as the stuff from the Fred Meyer or Coop. 

It's whats for dinner.

She had fun and really liked all the free samples!

You can even get composting worms!

Of course, no visit to a warm farmers market is complete without a visit to the fountains!

So graceful!

Papa spins around along the border - hopefully not taking other children out in the process.

It almost seems as if it is a year round thing - their website doesn't say when it ends.  Not sure how that works in the winter - we'll see!

Animal Farm

One of the meetups through the Boise Babies and Tots group that I am in was a trip to Andre's Animal Farm.  It is just a nice little hobby farm behind Andre's house.  He loves to let people come and check out the animals, free of charge.  He has a great set up but you can tell it is lots of work.  He was working away most of the time we were there - being a very nice host and showing us all around, but still running off to tend to the animals, get them water and such.  Of course, it was soooooo hot too.  I think this is one of the first times Colette got sunkissed and I got seriously dehydrated.  It was boiling that day and the sun was shining at it's finest!

Another big difference from Maryland?  This "farm" is right in town, within Boise city limits.  Also right next to an elementary school.  It is also very common to see chickens in people's backyards, or be driving along and see a house with a large side lot with goats, or horses, or even cows.  VERY different zoning here - which is great!  Of course, if you are in an HOA, it is pretty much the same as MD.   :- )

What are we going to see?


More horses!

Lots of horses!

Still working on warming up to them!

Goats!  I never noticed their eyes had a sideways slit like that.

Well, HELLO Bob.

Tiny horse!

She had NO problem warming up to the tiny ponies.  Ran right up to them and started petting them and saying "Hi, little pony" - so cute!

Chris was really into the horses too!  Considering he really disliked them when we first met, he has come a long way!  Yay!

The goats acted like they really wanted the carrots we brought for the horses - but when you gave them some they spit them out and walked away.  Fickle creatures....

Petting goats too!

 Andre!  He had a French accent - I believe he said he was from belgium.  Very nice guy.  Seemed to love having people there to check out the animals.  People were asking if he sold his eggs, he does during the school year, to friends, but his kids come home during the summer and he apparently doesn't have any extra when they are home.


Not sure what she was planning on doing with that stick.

Hey good looking.

Most of them weren't digging the carrots either.

She enjoyed running around after them.

Going through again to say goodbye to all the animals.

Almost missed the sheep cooling off in the shade!

Looking up to Chris.  "We'll miss you!"

Bye Horsey!

Always nice to get a bow!

Bye piggy wallowing in the mud!

Bye Andre - you "Jack of all trades"!  Thanks for sharing your farm with us!

Whitewater Park

 Boise has built their very own whitewater park!  Boise has "more whitewater river miles than anywhere in the lower 48 states."  So, they built a park to give people a pretty safe area to learn and practice.  The Boise River Park is still in process, but phase one was opened up, so we decided to take a look.

The whitewater park is right by a popular pond.

Walking along the Greenbelt path to get to phase 1.

People using it!

Tried to upload videos we did - not working.  Will have to try again another time.

Little Lady got a close up view of someone getting out.

Checking out the water.

Getting her toes in the water.

Surfers took their turn too!

So, bottom line, there are tons of great things to do to keep us busy.  Did I mention that none of the above cost us any money either?  Not bad.....