Sunday, August 10, 2014

One Week - Follow up

Life is crazy.  So, unbelievably busy and insane.  I left you hanging on that last post, didn't I?  So, what did the MRI say?  My brain is unremarkable.  I'll be honest, I expected a little more.  Maybe a "that's a big brain" or "I've never seen a brain this complex before" - nope.  Unremarkable.  That does bode well for the weird neurological stuff I had going on though.  That means no tumor or significant stroke or anything like that.  That's good.  I went ahead and followed up with my primary care physician like a good patient and he did some in depth questioning and came up with his diagnosis.  I seriously couldn't be happier with our choice of Dr.  You can tell he approaches every "issue" as a puzzle he HAS to solve.  He'll also educate you on it along the way.  He'll start to write down the diagnosis but then stop and ask three more questions that popped up in his head because he WANTS to get it right.  He is 97% sure the issue is migraines.  Either that or MS, but we'll go with the migraines.  Yes.  We'll go with migraines.  Apparently they can present as simply neurological stuff sometimes and I did end up with a headache after the neurological stuff that started in the rear right side (apparently where migraines tend to start but I've always written them off as tension headaches) and I had pain behind my right eye with the headache and it coincided with a certain monthly cycle of mine, blahblahblah.  All of those are pointing towards migraine.  SO that is that.  Moving on with life.

Of course, as we wrapped that up he asked if anything else had been bothering me and I brought up that my left foot has had some issues for a while but I had been meaning to just make an appt with my sports doc for that.  He wanted to take a look and felt where it had been hurting me and said I needed an xray.  So, xray done.  I've got an extra bone in my foot.  Not just one, but two extra bones.  Then they wanted an MRI. So, MRI done.  I've essentially got tendinitis because of an accessory navicular bone and another "extra bone" on the back of my foot (basically Achilles area).  So.  What to do about that.  I'm essentially at the point (and have been for at least a year) where I am barefoot all the time or wearing my minimalist shoes for working out - and any other kind of footwear leaves me in pain.  Even my flip flops leave me in discomfort now.  That hasn't been a huge issue for me since I basically don't have to dress up for anything, but not necessarily practical.  Anything that covers or presses on the navicular bone hurts me.  The arch is a bit lower on that foot but hasn't collapsed yet.  It is looking like surgery is really the only way to address it at this point.  I am a rather active person (and essentially the sole caretaker of two young children!!!) and am now in the difficult position of needing surgery so I can do all my active stuff (and every day stuff) without pain, but that surgery will leave me in a position where, best case, I can't put ANY weight on that foot for three weeks or, WORST CASE, 6 weeks.  It all depends if the tendon is attached to the normal navicular bone or the accessory navicular bone and they won't know that 'till they get in there.

The idea of being out of commission really freaks me out, but the reality is that this pain is not going to go away as I get older.  I've got to understand that it will be a temporary period of reduced activity so that I can have a more active and pain free life later.  And I need to repeat that to myself over and over.  The not being able to be active thing is going to be VERY hard for me and I'm determined to not let it completely side line me.  I'll be honest, I have an addiction.  Yes, I've drank the CrossFit Koolaid and it has changed my life and gotten me through very tough times in our lives.  These last two years have not been easy on us and working out has been my stress relief.  Maybe this will force me to really work on finally being able to do a pull up - since I'll basically only be able to do upper body stuff.  Bright side, right?

Of course, Papa is wrapping up his current semester and will be starting his FINAL SEMESTER of his program in September.  Yes, there is an end in sight!!!!  Now is not the time for this surgery.  Our plan is to shoot for the end of December, right after he finishes and right after Christmas and while he is still working at his current place of employment so I get the benefits of "employee pricing" for the surgery and before we have a new year's deductible.  Lots of factors to consider.  That way he will also be able to help out, because from what I've read it is basically THREE DAYS of elevating that foot for 23 hrs a day right after the surgery.  Somehow I don't see Little Lady and Ninja Baby being cooperative with that.

So............anyone wanna come visit this winter to help a Mama out?

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