Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hey, you. Yes, you.

I wanted to take a moment to let you know I've been thinking about you.  It may not seem like it, it might seem like you haven't heard much from me lately, but trust me - you are on my mind.  It might be when I'm driving the kids to gymnastics, or when I'm trying to finish the dishes, or when I'm nursing Little Man before bed, or the last thought I have before falling asleep - there you are.  The thought might include a sincere intent to text you - call you - email you - send you a letter - message you - but it seems like my follow through is seriously lacking.  I know you've had a tough time lately.  You never imagined yourself in this situation. Things are tough and you're not sure how they will play out. I wish I could be there to help - physically, mentally, emotionally.  I seem to be absorbed in keeping our own little ship afloat - but please don't think for one second that means I've forgotten about you.  I pray for you.  For your strength, guidance and for you being in our lives.  Please know that.

I'm thinking of you.  All of you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting about thoughtfulness. I confess to not being as thoughtful these past few months and you have added another voice to the quiet voice inside myself encouraging me to take more time to THINK, to PRAY, to BE CONNECTED. (Pardon the caps, I would italicize if I could.) Love you.
