Friday, February 21, 2014

A Day in the Life of Mama

I guess my "day" started when I went to bed at 12:30am.  I was up late finishing up stuff for the church playgroup that I head, cleaning and setting out Valentine stuff for the kids.  Papa drew cards for them. 

I woke up, on my own, at 6:04 am.  Seriously.  Baby slept through the night and I woke up all on my own after just over five hours of sleep.  I laid in bed and surfed on my phone and finally got up when Papa did, around 6:20.  I went about picking out an outfit.

I put away the basket of laundry sitting in our room since I was pulling clothes out of it anyways.

 I made a point of wearing pink since it was Valentine's Day. Don't I look festive?

As soon as I finished applying some eye makeup and putting up my hair (since we would be seeing people today), Ninja Baby woke up at 6:49.  Papa had already left about 10 minutes earlier.

I gathered Ninja Baby and the dirty clothes and put them all in a basket to carry downstairs. 

 He wasn't very thrilled about that.

He was a bit happier when we got downstairs and he saw what was sitting out.

Of course he went straight to his sister's stuff.

I redirected him to his stuff and he checked out his card. 

It was as if he knew what was in there.

I put the clothes in the wash and got it started.

I glanced at the clothes from yesterday and told myself I would fold them later.

I prepared my first cup of coffee for the day.

It was now 7:06.

Time for the first tantrum of the day.  I don't recall what it was about.

I nursed this adorable little guy and pumped - at the same time.

With a hand pump.  That's how I roll.  I then bagged up the milk and stuck it in the freezer where I keep the milk I donate.

I took the stock I was working on the day before out of the fridge and put it in the crock pot again for another day of simmering.

Diaper change.

I attempt to empty the dishwasher.

He helps me put away the silverware. 

We then work on cleaning up the water I spilled all over the floor.

I attempt to load the dishwasher but decide I'd rather do it by myself later.

I preheat the oven and attempt to disuade him from emptying that cabinet.

Time to make some scones to take to church playgroup.

He excitedly runs over with a measuring cup to help me.  I ask myself where he got that from.

I realize where he got it from.  I take him down amd close it up.

He is determined.

I distract him with a book.

He helps me with the final mixing.  I splurged on some natural food coloring at Whole Foods.  I figured pink scones would be festive.

Little Lady wakes up just as they are ready to go in the oven.

8:12am. Listening to the news.

She checks out her Valentine stuff and he checks out my flowers.  I take him down. He runs in the other room and I hear his Valentine card that makes noise start to go off over and over and over.  Occupied.

By 8:15 I've already stained my shirt for the day.  More spills to clean up.

Scones are done.  I suspect that I wasted money on the natural food coloring.


I start to make them breakfast.  I ponder why I'm still hearing the card playing but he is right here.

Card now apparently plays all by itself.

Assist with bathroom duties.

Come back to find Ninja Baby at it again.

Her highness has finally decided she is ready to get up for the day.

 I take him down again and decide I am just going to remove the chairs.

He works on trying to put the chairs back while Little Lady tapes the hearts onto the fruit cups for snack for our playgroup.

Cook breakfast and take care of email.

Apparently Little Lady got up from her chair.  He really likes my flowers.

Hoping the red food coloring works better on these pancakes.

Finally just put him in his highchair while his sister gets dressed.



Yeah, natural food coloring appears to be a waste of money. We chat with Turkey Grandma on the phone while we eat breakfast.  She called to tell us about all the snow she got.

I get everything packed up and everyone suited up for us to leave.

I get the kids buckled in - admiring the rosary Ninja Baby apparently decided to wear.  Festive.

10:06am.  Playgroup starts at 10am.  Sigh.

Second cup of coffee.  It was necessary.  Yes, it was a latte.

10:15am.  Get to playgroup.  Phone then dies.  At playgroup the kids head off to play and I grab the last couple supplies we need.  We then gather up all the kids and we sing our "Hello" song and I tell the story of St. Valentine (yes, edited).  We then work on making Valentines for Monsignor and they color boxes that I then put little treats in for them to take home.  Then it is snacks and they run around and play while the Mothers chat.  Then it's time to clean up.  We go by the house and I run in to grab a phone charger.

Get charged up and head to the "popup" park I promised them we would have a picnic at.

Not the shortest drive, not the longest drive.  Pretty decent rain for the drive.

Arrive at Edward's Nursery, unload the kids, grab our bag of snacks and follow the signs.

Such an awesome idea.  A nice patch of ground for them to play where it is nice and warm and dry.

I take their coats off and encourage them to check everything out.

There are also lots of flowers for them to check out.

There were also tables with chairs around the edge.  A very nice couple was enjoying a Valentine's meal, complete with glasses of wine and everything.

We all soak up the heat and colors.

I break out the snacks - pepperoni!

I try to make sure Ninja Baby doesn't fall into the fountain.

I have a happy heart and I think of how lucky I am to be able to do this stuff with them.

I realize how much he is like his father.  "Don't touch"...poke, poke.

We sit back and enjoy.


Dogs were welcome too.

A table opens up for us.

They enjoy their snacks.  I follow Ninja Baby around while Little Lady plays with some of the other kids there.  Red Light!  Green Light!

I gather everyone, get loaded up and head home. Ugh, got home way too late, 2:35pm.  I had promised we would go there (it was the last day) so I had to deliver.

I was ready for a nap and hoped they would at least take one.  We all head inside and I let the dog out.

I nurse Ninja Baby for his nap  - and the dog starts scratching at the door to come in.  I think peaceful thoughts.....and wonder why we have a dog.....

I put him in his crib for a nap. It's not looking promising.
Little Lady is in her room, supposed to be reading books.

Third cup of coffee for the day.  Add a little cacao powder and coconut milk.

I load the dishwasher, trying to ignore the sounds of awake children upstairs.

I clean up the kitchen.

Apparently she needed chap stick, so she came down to get some.

At 3:32pm I finally sit down to rest for a minute.

She does not approve.  I explain that I just want to sit for a minute.  She informs me I got to sit all that time we were in the car.

Well, technically she is correct.

How can I argue with that.  I send her back to her room to read books for a little longer.

Yeah, it's pretty clear by then that Ninja Baby isn't going to nap.

Not even tired.

I pop in to tell her she can come down now - she informs me she is now relaxing up there.

Time to fold that laundry.

He tries to help.  When I'm "not looking" he runs over and grabs stuff out.  Stuff that is already folded, of course.

He thinks it would be better if the basket was over there. He thought I had plenty of time to sit while I was in the car too.

He decides to help from my lap.

I decide to eat him up.

I finally acknowledge that folding laundry is a bust and enjoy some time with this guy.  And Little Lady when she finally rejoins us. 

A friend invited us to join them for dinner at their house since Papa wouldn't be home 'till probably 8pm.

They got their coats and shoes on and we got loaded up in the car.  It was probably around 4:45.

They enjoyed a nice evening with friends to play with.

I enjoyed a nice evening where I didn't have to cook, or spend money, or entertain the kids all by myself.  And I even got to talk with adults!  Very nice.  The kids were super overtired by the time we got home. I did have to pull over at least once on the way home to calm Little Lady after a complete melt down because she dropped a heart that our friend had given her.

I found it in her seat when we got home.

We got home after their bedtime, but PAPA WAS HOME!

We said a quick hello.


I herded them upstairs to get ready for bed.

I nursed Ninja Baby for bed while Papa told me about his day.  He said prayers with us and headed back down to study.

I read a bedtime story to Little Lady and got her tucked in.

At 9:21pm they are all set and in bed.

I check on the broth and pour myself a cup.  I stick the rest in the fridge to deal with tomorrow.

I top off my Valentine's Day with some Enjoy Life chocolate chips and a cup of broth. I finally put my feet up and putz around on my tablet (Christmas present) for a little bit.

I peek into the office and say goodnight to Papa.

I check on the kids.  She really wanted to sleep with the heart she was given.  Looks like she found a safe place for it.

I get ready and am in bed by 10:41pm.

I then go to sleep so I can get up tomorrow and do it all over again.