Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What a Wonderful World

Today is a great day (so far).  Yesterday was an awesome day.  Tomorrow might stink or it could be wonderful - there is only so much control I have over that.  I am a super planner and am slightly obsessed with cause and effect, but even I sometimes will take a step back and enjoy the present. 

Yesterday was our "story time at the library" day.  We got to the library and there was no parking.  I circled several times - nothing.  I could have parked farther away and hoofed it - but I did not want to do that with two kids and no stroller.  So - I decided to improvise.  I decided to be spur of the moment.  I decided to be that crazy Mama that suddenly announces that, since we can't find parking, we are going to drive up a mountain and play in snow.  I am so glad that we did.

We went through a bit of fog on the way up Bogus Basin Rd.  I told Little Lady we were driving up into the clouds.

You could see the sun peaking through some places.

And other mountain tops.
Found it!  This looked like a good place to pull over.

I taught her how to make snow angels!

She was also doing 'nastics.  This is her bear walk.
Yes, feel free to run up the hill - and down - and up again - and repeat!

Seriously having a blast.  She has mastered running in snow boots.

A friend pointed out she looks like she is snowboarding in this picture. 

I'd say she was having fun!  With her rosy cheeks!

She even got back in the car without a (huge) fight.

It was great fun.  I also got some shots of me with them.  I'm not one for self portraits - I find them a bit too vain for my taste - but I read a great article the other month called "The Mom Stays in the Picture" that got me trying to change that.  Not that I'm suddenly going to be snapping shots of myself and posting them online - but I want to make sure Colette and Canyon have pictures of me with them as they grow up. I'm often the one snapping the photos and am seldom on the other side.  Mostly because I don't want to be - my face is fuller than it want, I've got lots of "leftovers" from pregnancy, I always look tired, I don't always have makeup on, I never do my hair (heck, I haven't had it cut in over a year) and my clothes are typically whatever will fit me.  As far as my kids are concerned though: I'm perfect.  I love seeing photos of my parents when they were younger and I don't want to deprive my kids of that.  So here are some photos I was able to capture with them.

Those last two photos are awesome because Little Lady totally busted herself.  I kept telling her to stop eating the snow...hmmmmmmm....what is she doing while Mama isn't looking?
Yes, I understand eating snow is one of the joys of childhood (although not one that I was into) and I am working on teaching her how to determine which snow is clean snow and which is dirty.  Never, ever, ever eat brown or yellow snow.

How awesome is it that we live somewhere that I could even do this with them?  Boise seriously has a wonderful balance of city and wilderness.  We love it. I also must say that this fun would not have been possible if we didn't have her snowsuit and snow boots and gloves and a hat in the truck for her.  Being prepared can make things so much more pleasant and give you so many more opportunities. 
We then came home and had lunch and she went up for her nap - which she didn't take but just spent that time decorating her room with wipes she took out of the container.  I had such high hopes after all that running around in the snow.....
We then baked cookies that evening while Papa was in class.  She stood on her stool at the counter and kept touching my arm and saying "Hi Mama" and smiling - and randomly saying "I love you" and hugging my arm.  Seriously made my heart melt.  She used to say that all the time, but as she has gotten older she doesn't say that to us often.  I heard it several times yesterday and today.  Life is good.

Today I arranged a play date with the other two year olds at church.  We read a Thanksgiving story, then did a craft and then the kids played.  I plan on doing it every other week so that Little Lady will get more socialization and the opportunity to do somewhat structured lessons.  And I'll get to see adults!  Yay!

This was the craft this week.  I stapled the hands/feathers a bit high.  Another Mother did the same thing and said "Oh well, now it is a turkey angel" - I'm going to go with that!

So, while the world may be a ball of stress and uncertainty and chaos - my world these past two days has been full of joy and fun and love.  God is good.  Life is good.

I'll leave you today with my favorite song of all time - this version specifically.

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