Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting settled.

Boise had it's first rainy days since we got here while I was in the hospital having Canyon.  As we've said - it doesn't rain much here.  Rainy days here are also different than back East - we don't have pouring rain, it is more like a misty drizzle.

Chris was able to catch part of a beautiful rainbow for me to see. :-)

So we are all home now and getting settled in.  Chris was home the first week.  He took Little Lady to do her story time at the library, and to do the free movement class.  It was nice for him to get to experience those fun things with her.  We all went to the doctor for a followup bilirubin test for little Man.  His numbers were still a bit high, but he was old enough at that point they didn't feel he needed extra treatment. 

Se loves to cuddle with him! We are working on being gentle and taking it easy with all the kisses - a much better problem than stopping her from hitting him!  She is a great big sister.

He has his Papa's mouth - just like his sister does.  I call it a ducky mouth.

Lots of snoozing his first week.

And of course lots of pictures of those cute snoozing faces.

Like a good sister, Little Lady always makes sure he has toys and books within arms reach.

We've done his first tummy time.  He wasn't thrilled, but he already manages to scoot himself a bit.

Had to share this - she went over and turned the vacuum on herself and started cleaning.  SUCH a great helper!  I also decided it was time to finally get a new vacuum.  I bought our current one about 10 years or so ago, when I moved into my first apartment.  It just doesn't do the job anymore - not with a dog and cat.  I would have to re vacuum the floor with the hand tool to get the hair up, and I still see hair everywhere.  Having a new little one that will be spending lots of time on the floor helped give me that extra push to just get a new one.  It should be delivered today!!!!!!  So exciting!!!  This is how you know you've grown up - your big excitement is getting a new vacuum.  I'll let you know how it works.

The first week also consisted of some AWESOME gifts from some AWESOME people!  It's too early to diet anyways...I've already lost over 20 lbs, I'll get started on the other 50 (ahhhhhhhhh!) in a couple weeks.  Helloooooooooo Weight Watchers online.
I did lots more sleeping while baby slept the first week than I did with Little Lady.  Canyon sleeps for about 2-3 hr stretches at night.  I swear he doesn't wake up to eat though - he wakes up to poop.  Seriously, this child is a poop machine.  He'll wake up and start grunting and fussing and then you finally hear a nice, loud, impressive release.  I get up to change him and then just toss in a feeding too.  And of course, no matter how long you give him to finish up, he'll poop again while you're changing him and then again a couple minutes (if even) after that new diaper is closed up.  Really looking forward to the slow down of the newborn pooping.  He has also, of course, christened ALL of us at this point.  I've gotten pretty good at tossing a cloth over him as soon as that diaper opens up, but he is pretty good at the sneak attack.  Thankfully Little Lady didn't really realize what happened when he got her. 
Chris has still had class and school work, so I had to return to certain household duties my first day home and figuring out how to manage two by myself.  Thankfully a wonderful fellow mother from our church brought us a delicious meal of pasta and meat sauce that I was able to just heat up for that first night by myself.  I'm getting the hang of it - admittedly probably doing too much sometimes, but then trying to take it extra easy the next day.  Chris has been back to work this week.  Monday was a real test and just way too much - I had to take Canyon in for his (early) two week appt and his circumcision.  I think that was traumatic for him AND me.  Trying to juggle all of that with Little Lady in tow was a serious challenge, but we got through it - well, I did get some help with a little chocolate afterwards.  Chris' work has hired some more nurses and is now trying out four tens this month.  He has off on Tuesdays, so he went to story time at the library with us and then stayed to study.  I think that will be a great thing for us.  He'll have an extra morning seeing us all and can participate in an activity with Little Lady - and then get a full day of dedicated study time in! 
Perhaps the most exciting thing coming up now is KATHLEEN'S VISIT!  My sister will be here for a week, getting here this Saturday!  It will give me another opportunity to get some rest in and I'm super excited to see some family!  She will also get to catch up with her awesome niece and meet her new nephew!  I'm also super busy getting adjusted to everything here and keeping up with the blog is a bit of work.  So - Kathleen will be my first guest blogger!  She will let you all know about her visit and how it went and can give her "review" of Boise - and then all of you will want to move here.  Or at least come visit for Christmas. ;-)
Canyon - 1 week

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad Kathleen is coming. I know she is super excited... Will she be moving to Idaho in the near future, I wonder? Is there enough going on in Idaho to keep her happy? Secret to diaper changing: Have the 'covering' on top of the old diaper, gently pull the old diaper out from underneath. Proceed from there. In the dim recesses of my mind, I think this method worked well. :O)
