Sunday, June 17, 2012

Family Hike Night - The Greenbelt.

This week's family hike night took us to the Greenbelt.  It is a biking/walking/running path that goes through Boise.  A nice, flat paved trail for the week!  We picked it up by the house and did a couple miles.  Just nice and relaxed!  We also had our first sightings on deer on this walk!  A mama and little baby.  Luckily no cougars!

Little Lady checking out some flowers.

Our start.

Ready to start!

Mika even checked out the canals on the side.  She seems to be warming up to water since we've moved here.

Follow the leader...

The river came in and out of view.  Very pretty!

Chris is giving a thumbs up - Little lady seems to be throwing the West Side sign....hmmmm

Access to a food/bar place.  Good advertising on their part - bridge over the canal and everything!  Chris has heard several good things about their buckets of clams.  I of course wonder where they are getting them from....certain seafood is hard to imagine when living in a state that doesn't touch an ocean.  East coast spoiled me.

Little lady getting some running time in.  Those little legs work so hard and move so fast!

Finished off the evening with some grinders.  Notice the sign doesn't have the area code?  Everything in Idaho appears to be a 208.  So weird being in an area where you don't have tons of different area codes.  Chris and I even have different area codes than each other for our cell phones!  It throws people off when they ask for our numbers - they think we are giving them the first part of the number when we are just giving the area code. They are probably muttering "Darn East Coasters" under their breath.  :-)


  1. Replies
    1. I know! She seems to have switched over to the west coast rather quickly. These kids adjust so fast....

  2. It looks like the grass is really brambly. Is the grass like that all over the area? We have such green, soft, grass here.

    1. Yup - Boise is very dry. Idaho has some extremes as far as weather goes. Wildfires are a big issue here. In the valleys it is really dry and then you go up in the mountains and they are covered in snow and trees. Sagebrush is everywhere. The only reasons the houses have green grass is because everyone uses sprinklers!
