Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sun Tea

I have fond memories of G'ma setting out a glass jar full of water and tea bags and the yummy "Sun Tea" that was produced.  I've also come to the realization she must have put a LOT of sugar in there!  The other year I even looked online for a jar to buy, but only found plastic ones and, well, I prefer the tried and true (and non-leaching) glass method.  Our first trip to the Fred Meyer (think super grocery store with clothes and, well, everything else too) produced an impulse buy of a GLASS container for FIVE bucks!  I'll admit, the top doesn't seem to really screw on and you certainly can't lift it from the handle when there is any liquid in there, but I adapt and happily carry it cradled in my hands.  Ever since I got it I have been meaning to make some tea, but you know how that goes........

This morning when I was rinsing it out from the lemonade (powder) I had made in it I thought about the tea and no more procrastinating!  If you keep saying you'll get to it later that might be never!  So I made the maiden sun tea voyage!

Doesn't the sight of it just make you smile? :-)

I used eleven tea bags and the jar holds a gallon of water. 

The brew might have been a bit strong, but I also left it out for at least four hours while we ran errands.  It is still very enjoyable.  Even better and decadent if you add a little sugar and a little half and half. ;-)

I think this will be a perfect way to take advantage of the big - huge - beautiful - cloudless Idaho sky this summer!!!

1 comment:

  1. She started that when I was a teenager! I love your container!
