Some things in life just give you warm, sunny feelings. Boise has lots of those. One neat thing that we have here is Bountiful Baskets. I learned about it from a blog I like to visit, one I actually got several ideas from for our homemade Christmas presents, Delia Creates. I checked out the site and realized it is offered in Idaho and decided to give it a try and I am so happy we did! You basically show up at a specified place at a specified time. You pay ahead of time online so you just need to show your receipt when you get there and bring bags to carry your haul with.
We got all of this for $15.
Little lady enjoyed the pineapple!
Making an apple and blackberry cobbler to use up our bounty.
Perhaps one of the best parts was not knowing what we were going to get. We ended up with stuff that I would never buy at the store, just because I wasn't sure what to do with it. I was challenged to try new things (never bought blackberries before) and learn how to cut up new fruits (had never cut up a mango before). We then had all this stuff we had to use, so we were basically forced to incorporate a variety of fresh fruits and veggies into our everyday cooking. We will certainly be doing it again!
There was one hiccup with the basket pickup - the truck was running late. Apparently it has never happened before, but of course it would happen our first time! We ended up having to come back an hour later, but luckily we ran into some neat fun in a nearby parking lot while we waited!
What, you don't randomly see horses in parking lots where you live? They happened to be in town for the rodeo championships (yes, for realz) and were doing rides to benefit a charity.
Little Lady and Papa got to go for a ride! She kept yelling "Giddyap!"
Little Lady has also been having lots of fun in the yard with Mika. They both have lots of room to run around. Their fun is my fun!
She likes to "walk" her around the yard.
Helping plant flowers.
Cheese! Love it!
Seriously, I can play in this?
She was even able to convince Mika to get in!
And this is some of the bountiful fun we've been having in Boise! I'm trying to get caught up to date, hence so many posts. I'm almost there! Then I'll be able to post as we go!
So, are you ready to visit yet?!?