Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Year

Yup, we've passed that one year mark.  Over one year ago we started that crazy journey, cross country, just us, no family here, just a Pregnant Mama-Papa-Little Lady-Dog-Cat combo setting off for the wild west in search of our home.

I'd say we've found it.  This is where we belong.  We are totally comfortable here.  Hectic and ridiculously busy and sometimes having our stress limits tested?  Yes.  But we are where we are supposed to be.  We really do feel at ease here.  It is so much more of a live and let live area.  It is more "conservative" in many ways, which suits us, and also much more "libertarian" which suits us as well.  You are confronted with the awesomeness of nature every single day - reminding you of your unimportance.  That might sound odd, but I think we can all agree that there are many people on the East Coast (specifically the DC area) that are a little wrapped up in their perceived self importance.  There is still the belief out here that if you bust your tail you, and you alone, are entitled to what you worked for.  People also offer to help out here - and they mean it.  Seriously, we have had so many offers from people.  I'm still working on taking people up on those offers, but they are all true, honest offers.  People out here understand the value and importance of getting your hands dirty and knowing how to provide for yourself and your family - and also recognize it is our job and duty to provide for ourselves.  There is also the constant task out here of looking out for your neighbors and helping those less fortunate.  It is a much more religious area than back east.  The most prominent religion in the Boise area is LDS (Mormon).  Each Mormon person we've met has also been the nicest person.  They are seriously genuine and nice.  You're wondering what their catch is at first, but there isn't one.  It's crazy - they are just nice.  This area is also so much more kid friendly.  Kids are seen as a natural part of society, not as an annoyance.  I have been able to go to doctor appointments with the kids - no issue.  Little Lady went to ALL of my appointments while I was pregnant with Little Man - in Maryland my Dr. office had several signs reminding you that children weren't allowed in sonogram rooms (uh, what about the one you're looking at?).

We have acclimated to the Boise life a bit.  I listen to country now (I did NOT see that one coming) and it no longer seems crazy to see someone with a side arm or a gun rack (with actual guns) on their truck.  It no longer stands out when you see a big, lifted truck with big, dirty tires.  Heck, it is necessary for getting lots of places.  I still smile when I see cowboy hats or tumble weeds blow across the road.  I've still only seen someone wearing spurs out and about once and we have yet to see our first rodeo.  I don't notice that people are tall anymore - maybe I'll think everyone is short when we visit back east?  We are getting a Trader Joe's and Panera!!!!!!!  Shame I don't eat bread anymore :-/ but our wallet is probably happier about that. 

It has been a crazy year and things don't show any sign of slowing down.  I am honestly at a "trying to stay afloat" stage right now between the move to a new house, a ridiculously mobile seven month old (who will probably be walking by nine months), a three year old that is adjusting to all the changes again and a husband that is back in classes which look like they will be more demanding this semester.  That is why there has been pretty much radio silence on here for a while. 

I'll try to update you a bit.

We had our first Easter here.  I made the kids outfits.

A dapper young man.

Isn't that seriously adorable?

I made Little Lady her dress.  I honestly couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

Of course, Little Lady came down with some kind of virus (seemed chicken pox like but didn't totally match up) and we had to stay home that day. 
We still got in some fun.

She still got to enjoy herself.

This little guy is still my baby but seems to be trying his hardest to be a big boy.

At six months he started pulling up on stuff AND cruising.
Little Lady likes to take pictures on my phone that I'll find later.  Not necessarily flattering ones.

Some of them are rather artistic though.

She also has a thing for dresses right now.  And wings.
Pulling up on everything...

That needs to be lowered...
He may have a future as a first responder.  I've caught him performing this "rescue breathing" on this doll several times.

He waves.
And climbs.
And eats blackberries.
 Little Lady had her third birthday party.

I tested out some paleo cupcakes.

She helped.
We had a little celebration, just us, and then a party the next day.

Lots of her friends came.

Lots of yummy paleo food.

Notice a theme?

She wanted rainbows.  So I gave her rainbows.
They got to make necklaces with different colored pasta.

Eat rainbow colored food.

Do rainbow crafts.
A neighbor lent us a bounce house.

There was lots of sand and lots of chalk.

And a special rainbow princess hat for the birthday girl.
Paleo cookies and paleo cupcakes....and sneaky little fingers.

Lots of great friends to celebrate with!

A happy little girl.
She stayed in that bounce house long after the last guest left and played outside with Papa 'till the sun went down (that is very late here).  She then ended her birthday evening tossing her cookies.  Too much bouncing and too much spinning in the swing!  That was her first time throwing up in a toilet start to finish.  Growing up!
He just kind of hung around and observed.
He gets into things now.  EVERYTHING.

See that roll of bubble wrap?  That was by the table on the left - he held onto it and pushed it to walk over to the stool.  7 months, dude.  SEVEN MONTHS.
We enjoyed some walks on the trail while we still lived right next to it.  I feel like I've seen this before.....

This was last year.  Hmmmmmmm.
Last year.
This year.  That'll give you some perspective.
We've had some cool play dates.

And several birthday parties.
Have I mentioned most of her church friends have their birthday within a month of hers?
This little guy is like a dog.  You'll look over and he'll just be crawling around carrying things in his mouth.
And this brings us up to the move.
This is our new home. 
I'll catch you up on the rest later.