Saturday, January 26, 2013


Last week my Mother and Sister came to visit!  I haven't seen my mother in 9 months.  This was her first time to Idaho and her first time meeting her grandson!

Little Lady was ready to greet her at the airport.


Welcome to Boise!
After picking her up from the airport, we took her to see (per Colette's request) Cabela's and Costco.  But of course.
She got some good baby cuddles in that first night.

The next day, Kathleen flew in.  We picked her up after our church play group.
That night I made us a nice holiday type meal with turkey, parsnips, Brussels sprouts and delicious paleo pecan bars.
Kathleen got some cuddling of her own in too.

Saturday, we had a sleigh ride planned!  It was at Idaho Sleigh Rides in Garden Valley, so about an hour drive. 

Everyone was nice and bundled up for the ride!  We've had an inversion for a couple weeks now.  It keeps the cold air in the valley, so it was actually warmer for the sleigh ride (out of the valley) than we've been in Boise.  All the smog and cold temperatures get stuck here - it was in the single digits while they were visiting.  The temps are finally going up into the 30's, but the smog is still here (think thick fog) - I'm ready for it to move on, I'd like to see the mountains again!

Everyone hopped on board and got ready for the ride.

He was more interested in being cuddled - I obliged.

Sun glasses are ESSENTIAL!  Gotta love that Idaho sun!
She had fun!  It was a nice simple ride.  Not the best we've had, but a good deal for the price. 

Now my Mom and Kathleen can say they've gone on a horse drawn sleigh ride in the snow!  My Mom was very interested in how the sleigh was built and all that fun stuff.

Afterwards, we all enjoyed the wood stove and a warm drink!  Mom looks totally gray right here - misleading.

We decided to drive back home a different way, showing them some of the Idaho scenery.  Seriously, isn't that awesome?

We all got to see a bunch of cow (female) elk in different areas!  My first time seeing them.

We did a little detour to the hot springs we visited on Father's Day.

People were enjoying them!

Mom dipped her feet in.....while wearing her boots.....

They opted for the fully clothed tour.  Can you see the steam?

Of course, little lady being the free spirit she is - she wanted to get her toes in there!
Take a close look at the picture above and then check out the next one.
Same spot!

And she wanted to do it again.

The steam had frozen to the trees.
We then drove the rest of the way home - a long, happy, cramped car ride home.  Yay.
And then we went to Outback.
The next day......Canyon got baptized!  We did a nice little ceremony after mass.  Deacon Mike did the honors.

There is a little chapel on the side of the church and that is where they do baptisms when they aren't done during mass.  Kathleen is the Godmother and my Mom stood in as the proxy for the Godfather - Gene!  Some of our friends from church stayed after mass to attend and Deacon Mike got all the kids involved, having them help bless the water. 
It was awesome to be able to have them here for the baptism.

He wore the same gown that Colette wore - and that my Mother and all her siblings and at least one of my cousins wore.

It was a good day.

Happy Papa.
We then had brunch and took Kathleen to Cabela's (per HER request).
The next morning I got up ridiculously early (before 4am), after Little Man had been waking up every hour, and took Kathleen to the airport.
I then made an awesome paleo breakfast for my Mom, Colette and me and we enjoyed my Mom's last day here.

Cauliflower scrambled eggs in red pepper, bacon and kiwi.  Mmmmmmm.
I treated my Mom to a massage and took Little Lady to play at Bodies in Motion while she was getting it.

I really don't think they had play places like this when I was a kid.

Let's her get her inner monkey out when it is super cold outside.

Trying on her glasses - like I used to do when I was a kid. 

She used that final night to get lots of grandkid time in,

and some good grandbaby cuddles in.

I took her to the airport bright and early the next morning.  It was a good visit.  She seems to be doing really well and I'm hoping things work out well and she continues to do even better.  Colette LOVED seeing them.  Hopefully she got in enough cuddles to last 'till we are able to make it out to Maryland this summer! 


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Going Paleo

Have you heard of the paleo diet?  AKA Hunter Gatherer, Caveman, Paleolithic?  It is basically a style of eating that is basically "if cavemen didn't have access to it, don't eat it."  I'd heard about it before and thought it was interesting, but never went further.  Chris actually brought up that he wanted to give it a try.  It is supposed to have a significant impact on many aspects of overall health and naturally correct certain issues such as high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, and high bp, just to name a few.  It is also supposed to help prevent plaque caused diseases, like atherosclerosis and alzheimers amyloid plaques.  I said we'd give it a try for a month, see how we feel, see if it is doable and go from there.

So, we've gone Paleo.

And I think this is going to be a permanent change.

What does it entail? 

Well, no grains. So, no bread, no pasta, no rice, no oatmeal, no quinoa. No dairy, no butter.  No soy either.  No sugar.  No beans.  No legumes.

Paleo coffee (I know, it's a stretch).  No sugar, no creamer.

Yes to meats, fish, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds and honey.

So steak and bacon and eggs......hmmmmm, wonder why Chris was so willing to try it. :)

I'm not as strict with Little Lady, kind of easing her into it, but I have been rather surprised by the changes in her.  She hasn't been having massive tantrums.  She isn't putting up huge fights to go to bed at night.  I'm a rather skeptical person, but I'm realizing there might be something to this whole gluten thing.  She has been super "lovey" - giving hugs and wanting to cuddle.  It was an adjustment at first, but she is actually eating her veggies now - there is no other option.  This girl is also a steak eater - she loves her red meat - so that is working out just fine for her.

Enjoying her cauliflower and red pepper omelet with mango and kiwi.

We also have a freezer full of grass fed beef and venison - just right for the paleo lifestyle.  I had mentioned we were going to buy a 1/4 cow.  We did.  We went with Hardtrigger Canyon.  A nice, family run local place.  We've been pleased. 

I will say it takes a good deal of prep.  I get bulk fruit and veggies and process them - freezing some and having some cut and ready in the fridge.  Chris got me an awesome dehydrator for Christmas and I'll be using that to make snacks we can have on hand while we are out and about.  I actually just made my first batch of venison jerky! 

There are lots of things you can use to replace things.  Like almond meal replaces traditional flour.  Coconut oil can replace butter.  Tamari replaces soy sauce.  Almond milk and coconut milk replace milk.  Not a cheap way of eating though....

So far, we're feeling good.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Chris is finally off soda.  That is huge.   He said this is the longest he has gone without a soda in over 15 years.  I haven't had soda in several weeks.  Seriously, that stuff is a drug.  Sugars too. 

Getting creative with it.  A good way to get Little Lady to eat her greens....

Chris will have blood work done in a couple weeks and we'll see how everything looks and go from there!  I do think we will be doing this, or at least most of this, lifestyle for the long term.  We'll keep you updated!

I shared two favorite recipes we've come across on my other blog,  I've gotten it put together a bit better now.  Feel free to share it! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just had to share....

I was looking through pictures Chris uploaded from his phone and came across a couple I had to share......

My little girl is growing up. 
Seriously.  Where is the time going?
Have I mentioned she loves to sing?
Like, REALLY loves to sing.
She is also a goof.

This was in the lodge at Bogus on Christmas Day.

My monkeys.

Silly Monkeys.
My Men.
My baby.
These made me smile.  Hope you did too.